Director’s delight at panto hit


The audience’s reaction at each showing of the pantomime Old Mother Hubbard at Rye Community Centre was enthusiastic to say the least, and a deserved reward for director Sarah Givertz and the team’s hard work. One measure of success at a panto is the participation of the audience and when it came to joining in they didn’t hold back! Another of course is bums on seats and the ticket sales of more than 300 were the best that the troupe, Acting Up in Rye, has ever had.

The positive feedback “has been tremendous” said Givertz. “I personally was very pleased with the final outcome. It included everyone who wanted to be included, several new people and some youngsters.” Givertz went on to add that “the set was fantastic and everyone, back stage, front of house, costumes, and painting worked very hard to produce a show we can all be proud of.”

So what’s next on the horizon? The troupe is busy planning a production to be held at the end of March, and Rye News will be publicising details nearer the time. Meanwhile anyone interested in supporting, joining or finding out more about Acting Up in Rye should check the website.

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