Appeal for tool kits


It is amazing how interesting people are, as I found out on my travels last week (July 11-20) to the Harz Mountains in Germany where I lived as a child under Russian occupation before the unification.

With the Bummelzug  to Quedlingburg Castle ‘train’ (once in the DDR)

I met British couple Alan and Diana, who are part of a charity which is very different. It does not hand over money to the areas they work in but is more realistic in how lives can be changed for the better in the poor and developing countries.
“Tools with a Mission” (TWAM) is a Christian charity, established in 1984 and operates in places like the Congo, Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, Sierra Leone, Zimbabwe and Zambia. It is mostly run by dedicated volunteers. The idea is simple: “Give a person a tool kit and they can transform their life towards a better future.”
My appeal is to anyone who may have old tools, sewing machines, electrical/hand/engineering/sewing/knitting tools, bikes, computers or educational text books lying around in the garage or loft, not to be used any more, to contact the charity. TWAM works with 400 partners including schools, orphanages and vocational training communities in the above countries and the UK. Volunteers will pick up any items in England, take them to their workshop to repair, sharpen and pack them into trade tool kits ready to be sent in containers (two per month) overseas. Once they have arrived and been unloaded at the church in the relevant country the individual who initially applied for a specific kit can collect it and start their business.
Every year 20 containers full of equipment for up to 40 applicants are sent out. “Communities and organisations capture a vision of self-sustainability and the desire to help themselves. They plan skills centres, self-help groups and all manners of ways to create livelihoods. Then they ask TWAM for help.” While money is always needed for the upkeep of the lorries, the containers, travel and keeping the organisation going, the main aspect of TWAM is to get together as many tool kits as possible to give keen people in developing countries the possibility of independence and financial stability.
If you are interested in knowing more, or indeed can donate trade tools of any kind go to their website or email: or phone 01473 210220  Personally I would be interested if there is any uptake and would like to hear from anyone who donates. My email is:

Photo Heidi Foster

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