Is everything in the garden lovely? Well not quite yet as the ground is still waterlogged and almost unworkable, but the Rye Community Food and Wildlife Garden is gearing up for spring with a series of activities planned for the coming months.
The first event coming up is an apple pruning workshop given by award-winning gardener Nigel Jennings on Saturday January 16. The 10 heritage trees and the three trees donated by Penny Mitchell-Innes planted last year have survived the winter, but now need some care and attention. This is not a hands-on session, but attendees will learn some useful tips.
Then on February 20 between 11am and 3pm, volunteers will tackle the Hugel Kulture raised bed. Also led by Nigel Jennings, this day will be very much about getting your hands dirty. According to Pip from the Garden Steering Committee, this ” involves lots of initial digging out, but then a sort of creative sandwich recipe of wood/compost materials/wood piled high”.
The garden is situated at the end of Love Lane and all are welcome to join in.
Photo: K Manning