How does your garden grow?


Rye’s community garden is coming on apace and volunteers are welcome to come along this Saturday October 31 from 2pm to undertake some heavy, but very rewarding manual labour.  The hedge saplings that were planted in spring now need some straightening and thinning out as some have adapted to their new home with rather too much exuberance.

Digging holes is always good to promote contemplation and fortunately there is a demand from the reserved birch saplings. Future social gatherings in the garden may be held here.

There are also some more beds ready for planting, back-filled with soil and wood chipping mulch. Two of these beds have bottoms, so there is restricted soil depth – ideal for onions, garlic and shallots. The large raised bed that was used for this summer’s broad beans, garlic and potato crops is also now free for winter planting.

All are welcome. Come along and join in! The garden is on Love Lane, accessible via the pedestrian gate to the allotments.

Photo: Pip Al Khafaji

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