It’s time for wild boars


Wild Boar Week starts next Saturday October 20 and runs through to Sunday October 28 – and the restaurants, pubs and hotels will be doing their best to find something different to do with boar meat. But think pig and you are nearly home and dry.

Sausages, chops and burgers will feature widely though some “eatingout” places like The Gallivant in Camber among others will stretch the definition of “wild boar” to include all game, such as pheasants, rabbits and duck.

The week also includes, apart from the food, a range of all activities for all ages (as this may coincide with half term for some, if not all) and Halloween looms on the horizon.

Expect music in a number of pubs in addition to ghost walks at the Heritage Centre, a number of events at Rye Bookshop, and a craft afternoon at the East Street Museum. For more information, go to the Wild Boar’s very own website.

Image Credits: Rye News library .

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