Mysterious finds to ponder over

Oh what a jumble of goodies or rubbish?
Oh what a jumble of goodies or rubbish?

I was supposed to be part of the valiant group who made it to the Marine Conservation Society’s Great British Beach Clean over September 17, 18 and 19. Unfortunately an injured back kept me away but I heard from Andrew Dinsdale who organises beach cleans on a regular basis.

They covered Winchelsea Beach, Pett Level and Rye Harbour even though the weather meant they had to shorten the routes. But as the pictures show they picked up quite a bit and identified and recorded all the marine rubbish for surveys.

Why do people think the beach is a dustbin?
Why do people think the beach is a dustbin?

Results were: 1578 pieces recorded, 425 by 25 meters survey area, 72% plastic and just to enlarge on this appalling state, at Winchelsea Beach 572 , Pet Level 241 and Rye Harbour 317 pieces of plastic were found.

So everyone who uses the beach please think about this and take stuff home rather than pollute it.

Anyone interested to join a beach clean email



Photos: Andrew Dinsdale

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