Putting frogs in throats


Robbie Hollands at the Rye Spice Company has frogs’ legs. Or perhaps it’s just the way he walks. He and brother Glenn were greeting keen punters last weekend (September 26-27) with delicious French food and wine to showcase their new range of pâtés.

The frogs legs were in fact supplied by nationally renowned Winchelsea butcher Jamie Wickens and were fried in garlic and olive oil by Robbie and are (fortunately) not usually on the menu at the shop. The new savoury treats complement the stocks of sauces, preserves, nibbles and of course hundreds of unusual and great value spices.

The shop on Harbour Road is open seven days a week and is well worth a visit. The spice boys plan to hold another tasting event in October to herald the launch of their Christmas hamper range.  Watch this space for more details.


Photo: Seana Lanigan

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