Shucks away in shanties town


Rye Bay Scallop Week started with a singalong as the Queens Head hosted two evenings of sea shanties and maritime music, with popular tunes from the past 500 years, on February 23 and 24.

Succulent scallops were on the menu

The evening was organised by the Rye Bay Crew and included a two-course meal of sauteed scallops with bacon, and fish pie, all for £25 in the back room of the Landgate pub. The performers were professional singer and sports masseuse Rebekah Gilbert, local mariner Andi Rivett, town mayor and publican Jonathan Breeds and teacher and stringed instrument master, Chris Fisher.
The audience was a mix of locals and out-of-towners, one party having come from Botswana especially for the occasion and needed to get the bus back that evening – or this may have been a leg pull. There was a lot of energy and excitement in the room, emanating from both the audience and the performers and the shanties and other songs were an excellent means of harnessing this.
The room was vibrating from the beginning, with feet tapping on the floor. Some of the songs were accompanied by one of Chris Fisher’s guitars or mandolin, others were performed a cappella. The evening finished with a rousing rendition of county anthem Sussex by the Sea.
The evening will be repeated on March 2 and 3, with tickets available from Rebekah on 07974 001 818 or Please state which night you are booking for. A James Bond night is next on the Crew’s agenda, at Rolvenden on April 28.

Photos: Seana Lanigan

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