Survey on Rye’s future


Rye’s Neighbourhood Plan survey is due to be printed after many re-drafts, and will be distributed to all households with the July edition of the Fixtures.

Residents will be asked to respond to a variety of questions about draft proposals on Rye’s future in the Plan by completing the survey.

Ballot boxes for survey responses are being organised around Rye. The Plan will then be revised and put to a formal vote, probably next year. If agreed by a simple majority, Rye’s Neighbourhood Plan will then be binding under new legislation on Rother District Council when it takes decisions affecting the town.

Hythe and some other places have abandoned attempts to draw up a Neighbourhood Plan, but Rye has pressed ahead and working parties have been in place for some months drafting proposals. An update on that work was given to the Town Meeting earlier this year by Colonel Anthony Kimber.

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