On yer bike – fitness and fun


Winter behind us I thought, great, get back on the bike. I am not a pro but in the summer I like to bike, and do, to Camber or Winchelsea. I joined the Wheelers and was persuaded to go with the Friday group, ‘the softer ride’. Well, 21 miles later, after several hills (some I had to walk), back at the starting point I realized that I am not as fit as I imagined, especially after little exercise during the winter. Was I glad to get to the lunch break. Having said all that, it was a wonderful day, even with the pain and I felt good having done it.

A big thank you to the Wheelers group who were patient, encouraging and supportive, always someone at my side when I was struggling and even pumping up my tyre from time to time as I had a slow puncture. As a first, a tough ride but well worth it, so get on your bikes and join us, become a member. The Wheelers organize events, also races if you are ready for that challenge. It is a social and enjoyable ride with a fun and inclusive group.

Secretary of the club Paul Simpson says: “Just started cycling or looking for like-minded people in the Rye and Weald of Kent area? Come and try the Rye and District Wheelers, possibly the oldest cycling club in England, certainly one of the best. With members from their teens to their eighties involved in racing and social rides here and on the continent, there’s something to suit everyone.”

To find out more contact Paul Simpson on: 07805 353630.

Photo: Paul Simpson

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