‘Camp’ for future champions?

Rye today, Wimbledon tomorrow
Rye today, Wimbledon tomorrow

This week saw the first of a series of summer coaching sessions for juniors at Rye Tennis Club. Perhaps slightly misnamed as ‘camps’ (no tents in sight) they are aimed at an age group from 5 to 14 and are designed both to introduce those who have never held a racket before to the game and to increase the ability of children who have already had some experience. Despite some difficult weather conditions from time to time, a large group of children attended and, judging by the enthusiasm still being shown towards the end of the last day, it was clearly a success.

Assisted by an experienced coaching team, head coach Frances Candy says, “We teach ball awareness, technique and movement around the court, using exercises and fun games (and the element of having fun is very important), working up to a tournament on the last day, with everyone divided into groups to give them all a chance to show what they have learnt. It is very satisfying to see how much the children can learn and improve even in a short period of time.”

Although the current course has now ended, there are two more to come: August 10 – 14 and August 17- 21, running for 2 1/2 hours each day from 1:00 – 3:30 pm and anyone interested can email fjcandy@talktalk.net for full details.

Photos: John MInter

Image Credits: John Minter .

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