Early start for taster sails


Why not come along and have a go at sailing in a dinghy on Saturday March 11 from 9:45 at Rye Harbour Sailing Club (RHSC), in Rye Harbour?

We will be holding monthly taster sails from March until the end of the sailing season in October 2017. Whether you have joined the club and want to gain some confidence on the water or you just want to have a go, come along and join us. High water  is at 10:37am – you will need to arrive at 9:45 so you can register and be kitted out with a buoyancy aid and for insurance purposes you will need to sign in as a temporary member. Please do wear warm clothes. If the weather is not suitable for sailing there will be the chance to cover some theory work in the clubhouse with the help of RYA (Royal Yachting Association) videos as well as enjoy some hot food and drinks which will be available to buy. After the taster sails, the bar will be open with food available to buy from the BBQ. We do not charge for the taster sails, but if you are able to, would ask for a donation towards our fund for the RHSC Club Development Project.

Roof joists are added

For further information about taster sails or to be sure of a place please contact Simon Marsh by email at simon@hi-flight.co.uk or call 01233 758181 after 7pm. We look forward to meeting you on Saturday March 11. You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter or  find us online.

Thank you to everyone who has been supporting RHSC Club Development Project including Sport England, Icklesham Parish Council, Rye Town Council, Rother District Council, Little Cheyne Court Wind Farm, The Rye Fund, Sussex Community Foundation, local Bbsinesses, RHSC members, friends and families as well as members of the public. Without your help we couldn’t modernise the sailing club and by doing so we envisage a sailing venue that’s accessible for everyone.

Pouring the concrete for the access ramp

The construction of the new shower block is well underway. On Monday February 27, Tolletts, the contractors, began work on the roof and the joists started to be fitted into place. The construction of the access ramp, that will give people with disabilities access to the clubhouse facilities, will soon be completed. RHSC is continuing to hold Friday and Saturday evening social events at the club as well as monthly taster sails during the construction of the new changing rooms. The next event is to be held on Friday March 17 when we are celebrating St Patrick’s Day with a dinner to mark the occasion. The menu for the evening is Irish Stew followed by Black Velvet Cup Cakes with Baileys Ice Cream and there will be a chance for you to find the “pot of gold”! The dinner will cost £10 per head. If you would like to come along please contact Glenda Wilson by email at andrewandglenda@yahoo.co.uk for more information. Please visit the website for details of other social and sailing events.

If you would like to support our Development Project and you are feeling lucky why not join the Rye Harbour Sailing Club 100 Lottery.  For the sum of £60 you are entitled to one number which will be entered into 12 monthly draws.  Once a month you will have a chance to win a 1st Prize of £100, 2nd prize of £50 and 3rd prize of £25 with a bumper draw of £250 at Christmas. The draw will be held at the sailing club at the Point, Rye Harbour, TN31 7TU. For an application form, to show that you would like to join in the fun, please contact Ros Culver by email at rhsc100club@yahoo.com 

Photos: RHSC

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