Tennis club expansion approved


The application by Rye Lawn Tennis Club to build a new covered structure to provide three indoor tennis courts on Military Road was discussed, and approved, at Rother District Council’s (RDC) Planning Committee meeting on Thursday May 31.
RDC’s planner’s had original recommended refusal of the application on the grounds that the proposed building would be a “new isolated development” in the open countryside and that the “scale of the building would appear unduly prominent and have a significant intrusive impact on both the local and rural character of Military Road.”

Artists impression of the new building

The application had previously been discussed at the Planning Committee meeting in June 2017, when it was resolved that a decision be deferred for further discussions and clarity on design, ecological information, landscaping, drainage details and details on how the public would be able to access the new covered tennis courts.
While the tennis club is within Rye the new extension sits within Playden Parish. Councillor Paul Osborne, leader of Playden Parish Council, requested passionately that the scheme be rejected because of strong local objections and on the basis that “it’s just a massive industrial shed” which will be built on a field that is currently used as a temporary car park during competitions. This will in turn force people to park along the length of Military Road when they visit the club.
Rye Town Council had opposed the scheme as had Rye Conservation Society, who objected to the development because it is an “industrial scale building in a rural landscape.” And massive it is. The proposed building will be 37m by 57m or as Councillor Osborne put it, “two 737 planes could fit inside it”.
The application did receive one letter of support from a local resident, who felt covered tennis courts would encourage more people to play. This was reiterated in a letter of support from Amber Rudd, MP, and the Councillor most in favour of the scheme was Rye’s representative on RDC, Lord Ampthill. He took the time to dismiss individually all the written objections.
A number of Councillors had questioned how the local community would benefit when the Tennis Club was an “elitist” members-only club. It was pointed out that the same question had been asked a year ago when the last application was debated. The Tennis Club had failed to submit a plan with the new application covering off how they were going to engage with local residents and school children to ensure more people benefit from this all weather facility. This outstanding issue didn’t sway the Councillors and the Planning Committee delegated approval of the new extension in a vote of six in favour to four against.

Photo: Simon Kershaw (main photo)

Image Credits: Simon Kershaw .

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  1. I hope that adequate parking will be provided as the parking situation in Millitary Road is getting totally out of control.Some days it is hardly possible to get a car through. Any emergency vehicles would struggle to attend a fire etc.
    Saying that I think the plan is a good one and will be welcomed by families seeking good healthy activity. Just make it safe for people who live close by to live their lives the way they want to in peace and security.

  2. I agree with Paul Osborne’s comment.
    Rather than apply for more play courts, it would suit the Military Road residents better if the club applied to make the field a private permanent parking fascility, and made it attractive for the membership to use it, rather than parking roadside. It has become a very dangerous stretch of road, especially on the blind corner near the towpath exit. Speed limits are just not adhered to at all.

  3. This is grotesque. Community, safety and ecological concerns simply ignored so that the rich and powerful can get exactly what they want, despite objections from both local councils. What an unfair—and not expected—outcome.

  4. There is surely a good case here for a resident’s-only parking zone funded from the business attracting the cars unless the business provides sufficient parking to remove the issue.

  5. Hopefully this decision can be appealed. Beautiful countryside, which is vanishing across England, should not be disturbed for a private tennis club so they can host more tournaments to enhance their personal prestige across the southeast. That is what this development is about. It has nothing to do with fitness or supporting the local community. Military Road is a residential area and an industrial appearing building is not in keeping with this neighbourhood nor with the natural environment. I would not object to housing being built but to allow private elitist use of this really beautiful piece of countryside is outrageous. What has happened to the Conservative party that once wanted to protect the environment? Both Amber Rudd MP and Rye Councillor Lord Ampthill have a lot to answer for as they no longer are adequately or fairly representing their local constituencies.

  6. Allowing developments like this,just opens the door for other opportunists, to put in planning applications, with no respect for residents who have to live with this eyesore, and all the parking problems associated with it, maybe not in this case but a wise man told me years ago, it’s not what you know but who you know in this town, and the richer you are the more successful you are likely to be.


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