Rye Sea Cadets held their bi-annual Royal Naval Parade at the premises known as TS Rye (training ship Rye) in Rock Channel on Monday July 2. In attendance as VIPs were the Deputy Mayor Cllr Rebekah Gilbert and Cllr Andy Rivett, Inspector Dan Russell of Sussex Police and visiting officers from Sussex District Sea Cadets.
The ship’s company put on a guard of honour, were inspected by Major Henderson RM and then gave a presentation to the visiting officers guests and dignitaries, covering what they had been up to for the previous 12 months.The assembled Sea Cadets and Royal Marine Cadets were all impeccably smart in their uniforms.
After the command “stand easy”, officers, cadets and invited guests were offered refreshments in the Mess Room and a tour of the unit. Part of the building dates back 300 years, when it was used as a workshop for one of the several firms of Rye boat-builders that thrived along Rock Channel.
A steep companionway ladder led upstairs to a large open room, with the floor still showing pattern marks associated with its original use and walls lined with nautical paraphernalia and mementos. Next to this was the Officer in Command’s office and the Wardroom, comfortably furnished with settee and a board table.
At 2010 hours, guests took their seats for a display, followed by the ship’s company “getting fell in” for Evening Colours, the traditional Royal Navy ceremony of saluting the flag as it is lowered to the ground. The evening concluded with the taking of the unit photograph and buffet.
Rye Sea Cadets have enjoyed an extremely busy and action-packed 2018 year to date. Cadets have travelled far and wide to attend courses, and multi-activity weekends. They have run a kayaking course at Rye, and participated in various regional competitions, with good results in rowing and sailing, first-aid and kayaking.
Earlier this year, Officer in Charge Steve Smith stepped down after many years in charge, and Acting Lieutenant Kris Green took up the reins in January. We learn now that Kris has recently been offered promotion, necessitating recruitment of his successor. He has made his mark during this short time and we wish him well.
After the event, Deputy Mayor Cllr Gilbert said: “It was a great opportunity to see just how much Rye Cadets are doing, and so well. It was a pleasure to meet many of the young people and learn about their experiences in the cadet corps.”
Photos: Kenneth Bird
Image Credits: Kenneth Bird .