Twelfth Night for Christmas


Bowler Crab returns to The Mermaid Inn (Rye) on Saturday December 8 with a brand new dining experience as part of the Christmas Festival. This shortened version of Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night features the actors performing scenes between each course, interacting with the guests at tables in the Tudor Rooms to create an immersive dining experience. Women dress as their brothers, unruly relations consume cake and ale, a foolish wit is found in a witty fool and a certain gent tries to seduce his employer wearing yellow stockings in this joyful festive comedy riot.  A four-course meal and performance in a 600-year-old inn, once visited by Shakespeare – what’s not to love? Bowler Crab’s past “pocket productions” at the Mermaid sold out a month in advance, thus booking ahead is required. If you have already seen Bowler Crab’s 2014 stage production of Twelfth Night, rest assured this piece is completely different with a new design, style and actors.

Tickets are available from the Mermaid Inn, 01797 223065.

When asked what else Bowler Crab are up to, the Artistic Director Stephen John told us: “We are currently touring schools, private parties, festivals and events with our abridged (pocket) “Macbeth” and will be performing this in Battle Abbey as part of the Battle Arts Festival, both dates having already sold out weeks in advance. We’re already taking bookings for our pocket productions for next year alongside plans for our biggest summer UK tour to date.”

More information about everything Bowler Crab, including upcoming tour dates, pocket productions and how to hire BC for events is available on their website.

Source: Bowler Crab productions

Image Credits: Bowler Crab Productions .

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