Santa tickets now on sale


Events and activities are now gearing up for this year’s Christmas Festival in Rye on December 8 and while most of them on the day are on a drop-in basis, some of them are pre-bookable.

No Christmas is complete without a pantomime

Father Christmas’s grotto this year is at St Mary’s Centre in Lion Street and runs from 11am to 4pm.

Tickets are now on sale and are bookable as a half an hour time slot so you will get in to see the big man within that time. Tickets £4 per child which will include a quality present from Father Christmas himself.

Also on sale are the pre-bookable tickets for this year’s pantomime, “Goldilocks and the Three Bears from Wiley Wolf Productions!” With three shows in the Community centre throughout the day, this is sure to entertain the whole family and give you a bit of rest time amongst your busy day.

Riding the train in the parade

Show times are 11am, 1pm and 3pm, tickets £6 for children, £8 for adults.

Tickets are to ride the Christmas train in the procession have already sold out.

Tickets for these events can be purchased on line through the Festival website.

Source: Rye Christmas Festival


Image Credits: Paul Whiteman , Rye Christmas Festival .

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