We invited each candidate to supply up to 500 words on why they deserve your vote, optionally including a photograph and a link to an election address. We have published their submissions verbatim, no editorial changes have been made. Any errors are those of the candidate.
Party description: Independent
I am standing as an independent candidate as I want to represent the views of the people of Rye and Winchelsea without the need to follow party political instructions. I have never been a member of a political party and have never stood for election before but I am doing it now because I love this area and want to ensure that it is protected from harm and remains a great place to live.
My wife and I moved to Rye more than two years ago having moved around towns in the south of England to progress my career. For the first time we were able to choose where we wanted to move to and chose this area because it is beautiful and largely unspoilt.
I have recently retired after more than forty years working as a professional environmental scientist. Rather than let this experience and knowledge go to waste I am keen to use it to help to protect our towns and the stunning countryside that surrounds them.
If elected, I will use my influence to tackle some of the issues that have been raised to me as I have been going around meeting people in Rye and Winchelsea. Issues such as the speed and noise of traffic, planning nightmares (such as that monstrous building that now overlooks Rye Harbour Nature Reserve), protection of the environment and ensuring that the new waste disposal regime is fit for purpose. I will be able to address these issues without party politics getting in the way.
Don’t forget that you get two votes in the Rother District Council elections. I would be very proud to have one of them and, if elected, I will work hard to ensure that Rye and Winchelsea retain their charm and character and are not spoiled by inappropriate development.
Image Credits: Chris Hoggart .