Murder most foul at Festival


Rye Arts Festival has assembled some of the finest criminal minds in the UK to come to Rye for a special Cryme Day on September 14. Not perpetrators, of course, but authors who are at the top of their game in the hugely popular crime genre. Who says so? Only the Sunday Times and the CWA (Crime Writers Association) whose annual Dagger Awards are the Oscars of crime novels!

The opening day of the 2019 Rye Arts Festival marks an inaugural cRYmE Day! This will be a whole-day festival within a festival and will be a great opportunity to meet, listen to and eat with four well-known crime writers – Simon Brett, Martin Edwards, William Shaw and Lynne Truss – and to find out tricks of the trade and what makes them tick.

And in this week’s Sunday Times William Shaw had the accolade of his book A Book of Scars being listed as one of the Top 100 Crime Novels since 1945. And, for good measure, his novel Salt Lane (right, and which is set on Dungeness) was long-listed last week for the 2019 CWA Gold Dagger Award.

Meanwhile Martin Edwards was also long-listed in the 2019 Sapere Historical Dagger for his
Gallows Court and also long-listed for the 2019 CWA Short Story Dagger Award for his Strangers In A Pub.

There are day tickets available to see all the talks plus a package that includes a four-course, crime-themed lunch at the former HQ of the infamous Hawkhurst Gang, the iconic Mermaid Inn.

Sophie Hannah, who is speaking separately at the Rye Arts Festival on September 19, was also listed in The Sunday Times 100 best Crime Novels since 1945 list, as well as being long-listed for the CWA Dagger in the Library 2019 Award (which is nominated by Britain’s brilliant libraries).

Tickets (with discounts of 10% for members and 15% for benefactors on unlimited purchases) for the dozen events flagged up above are on sale now, but they are available online only (and sales are ticking over already). Check out:

Image Credits: Rye Arts Festival , Rye Art Gallery .

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