Whose opinion is it?


Eagle-eyed readers may well have spotted that over the last few weeks there have been two articles in our Opinion column expressing reservations about plans to turn the former putting green area on the Salts into a wildflower meadow to be planned and maintained by the same CIC (Community Interest Company) that is currently responsible for one or two other areas of Rye including the South Undercliff allotments.

The second of these articles was by the Chairman of the Conservation Society and was clearly expressing the Society’s own view of the scheme. Rye Amenity CIC, however, chose to quote this as the view of Rye News when presenting their case to the Town Council at last Monday’s meeting.

And this is the point:

The Opinion column is open to all as a place to put forward their views on aspects of life happening in and around Rye. The views expressed are their own and not necessarily those of this paper or of any of our wonderful team who put in so much time to produce it each week.

In fact there have been a number of occasions over the last 5 years when this editor, and representing the paper, has profoundly disagreed with expressed opinions, but we live in a democracy (just!) and it is right that our readers should have a platform on which they can put their thoughts before the public.

Experience has shown that other readers, whether they agree or disagree with those thoughts, will not hesitate to say so in the comment facility under each article.

To return to the wildflower meadow. This project is still being negotiated between the CIC and Rother. It is intended that the meadow will be open to public access and will have seating areas, just as the space does now.

We will continue to report on progress and these reports will be entirely factual, as was our original news item and we will, as a newspaper, be expressing no opinion on it, at least until details of the CIC’s lease from Rother and their own plans are known.

However you, dear reader, need not feel under any such constraints, whether on the wildflower meadow or other matters, this column is open to you.

Image Credits: Rye News library .

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  1. Long before Rye News existed, wonderful Rosalind Collier set up RyePIG (Planning Information Group!), and then taken on by Oliver Campion, as a small online forum for locals to express their opinion on Rye issues. Rye News has expanded this to a much wider audience and provides an invaluable platform for residents and visitors to have their say. Of course there will be differences of opinion, but as long as we do so in a civil way, that is no bad thing. And so here goes … I think the wildflower meadow is a great idea, shame it has to be limited to such a small area. Let’s have more such colourful, nature friendly and exciting projects for Rye, folks!

  2. Who will maintain a wildflower meadow?
    Not an easy project.
    Difficult to achieve and maintain.
    Requires knowledge and industry
    Could end up being a nettle and bramble meadow. We’ve got lots of these!


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