Bridgepoint resubmitted


Rye News recently revealed the concerns that were raised by the Highways Agency about the second phase of the Bridgepoint development.

Their principal worry was that the access on to the A259 via St Margarets Terrace was potentially dangerous, given the heavy traffic flow on the A259.

With commendable speed, Martello Developments, who are responsible for the Bridgepoint site, have submitted a revised proposal and accompanied it with a 114 page report on the access point.

As the report has only just been released, we have not had time to examine it prior to publication of this week’s paper, but we will have full details of the revisions together with an account of Rye Town Council’s Planning Committee’s deliberations (the Committee meets this coming Monday, October 14) in next week’s paper.

Image Credits: Rye News library .

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  1. Call me naive but it’s not Wembley stadium and on site parking will be fairly limited. Just enforce strict no parking at any time along the only A road around Rye and is there that much of an issue?

  2. One must agree, stop all parking in south undercliffe, and on the land in front of the southern water building,which has become an eyesore, with appropriate traffic calming in place,to stop boy racing,all the problems over the years in traffic congestion, and parking on pavements, have been mainly attributed to inconsiderate parking in this area, and could be eliminated,if the powers to be enforce this issue.


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