Exceptional musician delights


Well known to Rye Arts Festival patrons for her acclaimed performances this year and last, guitarist Laura Snowden delighted the packed opening concert of the Brickwall Music and Arts Society’s 52nd season on Friday, October 25.

In the perfect surroundings of the drawing room of Brickwall House in Northiam, this exceptional young artist presented a programme of works by such established guitar masters as Sor and Villa-Lobos, though especially intriguing and impressive were the two compositions of her own: Anpao, a Native American word for ‘dawn’ and L’Etoile et la Rose based on Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s book The Little Prince, which featured in each half of the recital respectively.

The first completely fulfilled the composer’s stated wish to write ‘a contemplative piece which encouraged listening to the sound itself and to the silence between notes.’ The second, commissioned by the Park Lane Group, also succeeded perfectly in its aim of trying ‘to imagine the music the little prince would have brought with him from his strange little star.’

Laura Snowden has created what seemed to her listeners a most convincing and meditative sound picture of dawn and some beguilingly other-worldly sounds for the little prince’s star music.

Laura came to Brickwall immediately following a very successful tour of the United States and is clearly fulfilling the immense promise noted some time ago by guitar legends Julian Bream and John Williams. She plays not only with great skill but, as important, with great feeling and expressiveness. Her recital began the society’s new season in splendid style, with the staff of Frewen College, which has its home in Brickwall House, once again providing invaluable support

The Brickall Music and Arts Society’s membership list is now full but the occasional ticket, price £16, may be available. Anyone interested in attending a particular concert can check ticket availability with the membership secretary on 01424 815247. The next concert, on Friday, December 20 will be a recital for harp and flute.

Image Credits: Laura Snowden .

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