Chelsea time is here


Gardens take many shapes and forms, as the BBC have been reminding us all week with visits to past Chelsea Flower Shows as the live show has been cancelled, along with so many other events.

So Nick Forman has been out with his camera trying to see what he can find  and, while there are occasional opportunities to look over into someone’s garden (as shown below), all too often the real gems are hidden from sight.

Acers, maple and vegetables in Rye

Too often in Rye front doors open out straight on to the street, so there is no front garden – but there are some – and it is well worth stopping to take a look.

Daisies border the path to a Rye front door.

And Rye News would like to see more – particularly of your hidden garden as a whole, or of specific flowers you are proud of – so that we can all celebrate the changing seasons and the arrival of better weather. So please, please send in your photos.

But, for the time being, the gallery below showcases another 15 photos Nick took of gardens and flowers as he ambled round Rye. And there may be even better displays from some of the villages to be shared with Rye News readers. All photos welcome.

Image Credits: Nick Fornan , Nick Forman .

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