Food Bank busiest in area


As you may be aware, Rye Food Bank is a branch of Bexhill and District Food Banks, and between April 2020 and January 20 this year Bexhill and District Food Banks supplied food in the following quantities:

Bexhill: 2,876 adults and 1,207 children; 4,074 people, 39.35% of total

Battle: 665 adults and 313 children; 978 people, 9.44% of total

Rye: 2,839 adults and 2,462 children; 5,301 people, 51.23% of total

Total for all food banks:10,353 people

Bob Harper Rye Food Bank

Rye’s turnover is 51.23% of the total, Bexhill is 39.35% despite being a larger urban population.  The reasons for this are related to Rye being a more rural economy with many jobs depending on hospitality, retail and tourism now disappeared – and apparently larger families.

Over the past year, we’ve all made incredible changes to the ways we live, work, and look after each other. And in the past few months, the Rye and district community has shown amazing compassion and generous concern for families, children, and people in crisis – with community groups, local businesses and individuals stepping up to help and support the food bank.

Last year has shown the unexpected can hit us suddenly, with devastating consequences for people’s lives. But it’s also shown we can make huge changes to the way we live and look after each other.

Research by the Trussell Trust has shown that local welfare support can be an effective way of preventing someone hit by an emergency from being plunged into a longer-term crisis.

More help and support always needed

We know how much it means to our clients to receive food parcels from us accompanied by a smile and friendly word.  We aim to develop our service to provide more help and support in conjunction with other agencies.

There is no sign of a let up in demand and need for support.  We are entirely dependent on donations to help us continue our work and to develop new initiatives.  Every penny you donate to Rye Food Bank directly helps those struggling in our community.  It is the best way you can help those less fortunate at this time.

Thank you to everyone who steps up to support the food bank.  Thank you all so much.  All donations are appreciated and valuable no matter how large or small.

Contact details for Rye Food Bank

Phone: 07526 349847 or email:

We are open at the Baptist hall, behind the church in Cinque Ports Street in Rye on Wednesdays from 9am for donations and the food bank is open from 1pm until 3pm. The Rye Food Bank phone number is not manned all the time, but you can leave a message and we will respond. Email is better and this is monitored several times during the day and in the evening.

Donations make a big difference

Monetary donations can be sent to the Bexhill Food Bank Rye Branch at Barclays Bank, sort code 20-54-25, account number 83501116, through the Jempson Foundation or cheques to Rye Food Bank c/o 24 North Salts, Rye. If you donate via the Jempson Foundation and are a taxpayer, gift aid can be applied, thereby increasing the value of the donation by 25% at no cost to the donor.  If you make a bank transfer please do send us a message (via so we know who it is from and can send a receipt, if required.

If you need help from Rye Food Bank, contact Rother District Citizens Advice (CAB) on 01424 215055; email:, or the Hastings Advice &  Representation Centre (HARC) on 0333 344 0681; email:

Image Credits: Trussell Trust , Mags Ivatts .

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