The local elections are announced for Thursday, May 6 and nominations for candidates have closed and, as electors, you still have time to register to vote. But the deadline is Monday, April 19 and that’s next Monday at midnight if you’re reading this on the day of publication in Rye News.
If you’re not already registered to vote and are eligible, it’s quick and easy to do so online here. According to the website, it only takes five minutes. It says, “You’ll be asked for your national insurance number (but you can still register if you do not have one).”
If you can’t complete the registration online for any reason, you can download a paper copy here  Given the deadline is Monday, you’d need to deliver the completed form to Bexhill town hall (address below) though.
If you’re unable to, or have doubts about attending, a polling station in person, you can also register for a postal vote by 5pm on Tuesday April 20 – you must already be registered to vote. It’s quick and easy to register and the form can be found here.
You’ll need to print and sign it and then scan it and email it to Or you could deliver it by hand to Bexhill (same address below).
If you need any help with any aspect of this or have trouble completing the form, the elections people at RDC have said they’re pleased to help.
Rother District Council, Electoral Registration Officer, Town Hall, Bexhill-on-Sea TN39 3JX.
Telephone: 01424 787000. Email:
If you’re attending in person, you can find your nearest polling station on the Rother District Council website.
Image Credits: John Minter .