Vaccination news


This week the news has highlighted the fact that Covid-19  booster jabs are being given at walk-in clinics across the country. Sites providing walk-ins can be found as below.

The Rye site is not currently on the list as at present we prefer patients to book either via the official site or by telephoning 119.

By booking you help us forecast demand , enabling us to plan vaccine, vaccinators and volunteers. As demand eases we will offer walk-ins and will notify this via @ryepfizer.

In response to the NHS call to increase vaccine uptake before what is expected to be a challenging winter, we have seen hundreds at the Rye centre. As some patients reporting for booster jabs have not been eligible, a reminder :

  • entitlement to a booster or third jab is for those aged 50 and over; people who live and work in care homes; frontline health and social care workers; people aged 16 and over with a health condition that puts them at high risk of getting seriously ill from Covid-19, or who are a main carer for someone at high risk from the virus, or who live with someone more likely to get infections because of reduced immunity. For the vulnerable category we expect to see a letter from the NHS or a doctor.
  • in Rye we adhere to NHS guidance that booster or third jabs come 182 days or more after the second jab.
  • as the booster or third jab is a separate vaccination programme, regardless of the vaccine delivered in jabs 1 or 2, the booster or third jab is usually Pfizer, which we deliver in Rye.

The Rye centre at the former Tilling Green school can be contacted via @ryepfizer.

Image Credits: Anthony Kimber .

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  1. Ref: walk in covid19 clinic.

    Disgusting to find that there is no disabled access. I had to be “jabbed” outside which is disgraceful. I pointed out that the double doors opened and gave access to the hall but was informed that part of the building belonged to County Carers and could not be used. Eventually they tried to open the doors only to find that one was rusted shut and the bolt could not be moved! I am unbelievably angry about this, I am not the only chair bound disabled person in the area.

  2. Odd to read this as I was at the clinic yesterday (Tuesday) for my booster; there were a number of people with disabilities including a person in a wheelchair? This appears to indicate there is ‘disabled’ access but maybe that has changed since Ms. Ross visited. The staff were fabulous, and managed the whole thing extremely well. At least you managed to get your jab – not so sure what is so disgraceful about that?

  3. The Rye Vaccination Centre welcomes everyone , including patients with disability or anxiety. We routinely provide access via a side door to a dedicated area where vaccinators come to the patients. On the occasion cited above there was a problem with the door – it does happen – and as a result the vaccination was offered in the car park.

    Anthony Kimber PhD

  4. My husband and I got our booster jabs yesterday. The staff was brilliant, the process efficient and friendly, and we were on our way home in 30 minutes. Much appreciated, and I hope that everyone in Rye who’s eligible takes advantage of the opportunity as soon as possible.


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