Wanderland and carols at heritage centre


Round Rye Bay Singers, the shanty group brain-child of Martin Bruce, performed carols at the Heritage Centre to an appreciative audience of all ages. Paul Goring, the wonderful town crier of Rye, heralded the performance by his “Oyez! Oyez!” (the French word for listen) and welcomed people to gather round and enjoy the singing. Martin accompanied his group on the concertina. They ended the performance with their signature shanty Round Rye Bay for more and were rewarded by great applause and enjoyment.

This was just one of the events that was part of A Rye Good Window Wanderland, an amazing collection of lights and windows, music and fun. Simon Parsons, the manager of the Centre, said, “It was great to see a crowd of local residents and visitors who braved the inclement weather to come and support the Centre, which is just six months into operating as a registered charity. This has been a difficult time with visitor numbers being severely affected by the pandemic and the lack of foreign school trips and European and American holiday makers but the trustees, staff and volunteers are determined to ensure the continued survival of the town model and further development of the Heritage Centre.”

Local support is vitally important throughout the winter months and into spring, so keep an eye out on the website blog for opening times. Throughout December local residents can see the light show for half price.

Volunteers are always needed to help with staffing and working behind the scenes.  Please contact the Centre via www.ryeheritage.co.uk or 01797 226696.

Image Credits: Kt Bruce .

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