Food banks in the south east of England are struggling to keep up with rising demand as donations fall. They are preparing for their most challenging Christmas yet as they struggle with rising demand and dwindling public donations, new research shows.
Thankfully this is NOT the case in Rye.
According to a survey by community giving platform Neighbourly – which Aldi partners with to distribute surplus food from its stores – 50% of food banks, charities and community causes in the south east are worried about having enough food to support people this Christmas.
The numbers visiting Rye Foodbank have risen slightly, as shown in the graph, but we were able to deliver generous and cheering Christmas hampers as well as regular food parcels to almost eighty people on Wednesday, December 8.

The Neighbourly survey also revealed that 76% of food banks in the South East have witnessed a drop in donations in recent months – with the fallout of the pandemic and rising cost of living continuing to impact contributions.
In Rye, donations have been brilliant! Volunteers prepared Christmas hampers from tables literally heaving with donated goods. Our community is consistently generous and many organisations such as Pett WI, Hands of Hope, Rye Rotary, Icklesham parish and the many local businesses including Jempson’s as well as private individuals ensure our food bank has plentiful stocks.
Thank you to everyone who donates to us. Supporting your local food bank is one of the best ways you can contribute to your community at Christmas.
Everything donated in Rye, every penny and every bag of sugar, directly benefits those in need in Rye and district. We deeply appreciate everything given to us and the volunteer team is greatly encouraged to move more than a tonne of food each week in preparing food parcels. It is sometimes hard, but always rewarding, to work at Rye Foodbank.
We are open every Wednesday (no closure over the holiday) between 1pm and 3pm at Rye Baptist church hall, Cinque Ports Street. If you need help please do come and see us. You don’t need a referral or a voucher. We will help if you are short of food. There is professional help available for benefits problems and housing issues. We will help with anything you may be struggling with. Just come, you will be welcomed.
Phone: 07526 349847 Message or email:
From all of us at Rye Foodbank thank you and happy Christmas.
Image Credits: Bob Harper , Mags Ivatts .
What a fantastic job our food bank does. I am full of admiration. To have prepared and delivered eighty hampers in one day….
I am fortunate in that I should be able to cope financially with the fuel crisis, but many people in Rye and around the country are not so well placed. I am able to support Food Banks by making financial donations and by dropping items into the collection box when I shop at the supermarket. However, the soaring costs of fuel will mean that many clients of Food Banks may struggle to actually cook the food they receive. I’m not sure what can be done about this, short of providing “ready to eat” cold food, which is neither practical nor palatable.
I’m sure that minds greater than mine are already addressing this problem and I wonder what the conclusions are likely to be.
Rye Foodbank offer a range of support services for anyone struggling to pay for fuel, rent, food or anything else essential to life. We have professional experts on hand to solve problems including bill payments. If anyone has any problems they would like help with please give us a call or come to see us on Wednesdays between 1pm and 3pm at the hall behind the Baptist Church in Cinque Ports Street. email phone 07526 349847.