Northiam bonfire


Northiam welcomed a record number of societies and spectators to its 10th anniversary bonfire on Saturday, October 8. With perfect weather conditions, families flocked to enjoy the spectacle of all the exciting costumes, fire, drums – and a fantastic firework display from Wizard.

Chairman Mike Sargeant said it was heartening to see so many people coming together just to have fun and thanked the many local businesses who have sponsored the society this year. Local band Grundy kept the crowd dancing long after the fireworks finished, and people gave generously into the collection buckets for good causes.

Over the next few weeks, you can enjoy displays at Hastings (October 15), Ninfield (22), Staplecross (29), and in November: Battle (5), Rye (12) and Robertsbridge (19).

Image Credits: George Rowson .

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