u3a 20th Anniversary AGM


On Monday, October 17 the University of the Third Age (u3a) celebrated 20 years of activities in and around the town, at the same time holding an AGM to hold the election of old and new committee members. Following the AGM, thoughts turned to memories of previous years. Sheila Maddock, an early secretary of the Rye u3a recalled the tenth anniversary. Noel Varney, John Still and June Hyson talked about the early days and of members, past and present, who were the mainstay over those 20 years. A beautiful cake baked by Jen Thompkinson took pride of place.

While the almost 70 members present set about enjoying the cake with coffee and tea, a light-hearted quiz was conducted by Keith Hillier-Palmer and Joy Davenport. The Rye and District u3a currently has 189 members and 28 different interest groups. If you are new to the town and area or looking for something to do, meet new people, maybe the u3a is for you. As the chair Ian Scott said: “The u3a is not a highbrow organisation but rather an affiliation of a number of local activity groups, appealing to a wide range of interests.”

Members also meet once a month on a Monday afternoon at the Rye Community Centre where an invited speaker gives a talk on a varied selection of topics and then mingle with coffee and tea afterwards. The next Monday meeting of the local u3a takes place on November 21 and features a talk by Delia Taylor, on “The Golden Age of Hollywood”. Anybody who would like to know more, please go to: www.U3Asites.org.uk/rye or for membership email Gill Scott at: u3aryesecretary@gmail.com.

Image Credits: Mike Tayler , Heidi Foster .

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