Ukraine Rye H4U monthly catch up


On Saturday, October 22 at the Rye Baptist Church some forty Ukrainian guests, their hosts and some supporters gathered to hear the latest developments in the Homes for Ukraine (H4U) scheme.

Anthony Kimber, lead for the Rye H4U Hub, welcomed everyone to the event which provided an opportunity to network and ask questions. He thanked the Rev. Fiona Gill of the Baptist church and her team for hosting again.

With some guests in the Rye area for six months and a good deal of uncertainty both in Ukraine and here in the UK there were plenty of questions about the scheme but what was clear is that most of our visitors are content, thanks to fabulous local hosts.

Sally Savory, one of the hosts who attended, commented: “Our experience of hosting is a really positive one: we’ve had incredible support from family, friends and neighbours. We owe particular thanks to the entire school community at St Michael’s CE Primary School in Playden. The school staff work incredibly hard to ensure that Zlata – and all pupils – experience a loving and nurturing school environment. Zlata’s classmates have welcomed her with open arms, and she loves school! She’s made real progress in English and she’s grown so much in confidence in reading and writing. Liuba and her family in Ukraine couldn’t be more proud of her.”

During the morning, Sally Ann Hart MP and the Mayor of Rye, Cllr Andi Rivett joined to meet and greet.

The next event will be later in November.

Image Credits: Kt bruce .

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