College fire disrupts exams


Fire broke out on Tuesday afternoon, May 5, at Rye College and the school was closed today, Wednesday. A GCSE English exam, being sat by a number of students from the adjacent Rye Studio School (and who share exam facilities with the College) had just finished, and most students had recently left the building. Prompt action by staff ensured the building was quickly evacuated.

The fire was discovered by a member of staff who, shortly before 4pm smelled smoke, went to investigate and raised the alarm. The fire was found to be in a science preparation room on the first floor, and may have been entirely accidental and possibly caused by an electrical fault. The room is in one of the older parts of the school buildings and not far from the Milligan Theatre hall where the exams are held.

Ann Cockerham, Executive Principal of Rye Academy Trust, said the fire was both limited and contained because of the fire service’s swift response, but the school “was closed to students the next day as a precautionary measure, and gas and electrical services switched off whilst the cause of the fire was ascertained”.

Thanks to the prompt action of the staff member concerned, the fire brigade quickly had two engines on the scene and the blaze was soon dealt with. There was significant smoke and water damage, however, and this also penetrated through to the ground floor causing damage to the administrative offices located in that area.

While an investigation into the exact cause of the fire is being carried out, further exams, planned for today, Wednesday, have been suspended. It is understood that these will be re-scheduled for an early date, and the college is confident that disruption to the rest of the exam program will be minimal.


Photos: John Minter and Nick Taylor

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