Sustainable Living Forum


The Sustainable Living Forum has announced their November meeting topics and speakers.

Tim Jury will be sharing how regenerative farming can restore ecology, while Dena Smith Ellis will be discussing the importance of sustainable community development. The forum is being hosted by the Rye Community Garden at Tilling Green Community Centre on Sunday, November 27. Everyone is invited to attend this informative event.

Tim Jury is a fourth-generation farmer at Pickham Farm in Guestling. He’s farmed cattle and sheep since leaving college and will talk about the full potential that regenerative farming has for solving global warming problems. He will include a message from Christopher Strangeways of Bosney Organic Farm, Iden.

Age UK healthy living group enjoying the garden and sunshine

Dena Smith Ellis is a health and wellness coach, holistic life guide, mother, eco-advocate and communitarian. She was secretary of the Hawaii Sustainable Community Alliance and has lived in two eco-villages in Hawaii. She will talk about the importance of building and sustaining a community for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. There will also be a “show and tell” time at the end where community members are encouraged to bring their eco-friendly products and sustainability gadgets to demonstrate and give testimony of their uses and benefits.

The Sustainable Living Forum describes itself as a citizen’s group sharing information about sustainable solutions to the problems of climate change. Their members include Rother district residents, local environmentalists and representatives from a number of regional and national organisations. Their activities include regular talks, workshops and field trips.

The Rye Community Garden was formed in 2014 to steward a small parcel of land adjacent to the Love Lane allotments. They grow food and promote local environmental activities. They meet on Saturday mornings from 10am – noon at the garden so bring your gloves and join in. Everyone is welcome. Their Facebook page is at

Image Credits: Rye News library .

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