Mayoral update


This fortnight our thoughts are still very much with the swimming pool and leisure centre. Contrary to the opinion piece last week that Rye Town Council have been conspicuous by their absence on the matter, I can assure you that nothing is further from the truth – our town clerk, myself and colleagues have been working hard behind the scenes, often late at night after work, to progress this as fast as possible.

We were introduced to an expert at Rye Town Council’s meeting on Monday who has volunteered to help and will analyse the data when we receive it from Freedom Leisure to look at how we can plan ahead and work together to bring back this community asset. In order to do this properly it is not a five-minute job but we are making progress.

Rye Town Council’s planning committee members were introduced to Rother’s new conservation officer, Simon Richard on Monday, November 14 who updated colleagues on matters pertaining to the conservation area and listed buildings. It was a pleasure to meet him and ask questions. He is clearly knowledgeable on the subject, and we look forward to working with him in the future.

It was an immense privilege to lead the town in the laying of wreaths at this year’s Remembrance Day service, so ably organised by Anthony and Elizabeth Kimber and Neale East. It is always a pleasure to see younger members of the congregation taking part, from the marvellously well-turned-out sea cadets, the mayor’s cadets, and then to see our guides and scouts laying memorial crosses at the foot of Rye’s cenotaph.

We enjoyed meeting new people at the Royal British Legion’s lunch afterwards and sang a few relevant songs to close proceedings. The event was held at the Mermaid, always impeccable with its high standards in service and food. Rebekah had, as usual dashed round from ringing the half-muffled bells at St Mary’s into singing, and it was my duty to take the muffles off before practice night on Thursday – never a pleasant job lying on a scrubby floor under a ton-bell – but the ringers did us proud that morning as they do every Sunday.

Also in remembrance, we attended the funeral of the late lord warden, Admiral Boyce at Walmer on Monday, November 21. It really was a super send off, with the top military officers representing and a packed church to say goodbye to a very well-respected servant of the Crown. No doubt there will be a respectful wait before a new lord warden of the Cinque Ports is selected and installed.

As a member of HORAC – Harbour of Rye’s Advisory Committee – I met with our harbour master, James Bateman, Sally-Ann Hart MP and others to discuss issues about the port of Rye – including reparations to Strand Quay and Admiralty Jetty.

Image Credits: Kt bruce .

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