Merry Christmas to our readers


It’s that time again, and as we all take a break to spend time with family and friends, the editorial team at Rye News would like to wish all our readers a very happy Christmas.

Thank you for your support over the last twelve months and we look forward to bringing you the best news and features from the local community in the year ahead. Our next edition will be January 6, 2023, the first week of the new year, and for Rye News, the first edition with a new look.

A necessary upgrade of the website has given us the opportunity for a re-design, so a new-look Rye News will feature some additional story classifications, improved picture presentation, increased use of video news, and most importantly, a better reader experience.

There will be some changes that people will like, we hope, and perhaps others, which people may not. Foremost among these will see the Opinions page replaced by Letters to the Editor. As editor, I have always felt the Opinions page created more disunity than harmony among readers, often generating more negative comments and vitriolic abuse, than positive, well-thought responses. For this reason, I have decided that Letters to the Editor will provide a platform for readers to raise issues, ask questions, or perhaps just vent their spleen, with an opportunity for well-thought responses to be published in following editions.

Features such as ‘Lunch with…’, Gardening, Why Rye?, and our new baking column, will have their own ‘look’, to make them instantly recognisable and, we hope, attract their own devotees.

We hope you like the upgrade and redesign.

Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy new year to you all.

Image Credits: Rye News library .

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  1. And also a happy New Year to all at Rye News,and their subscribers, my new year’s resolution is come the district elections in May, we have people standing whatever their politics to stand up for our town, as we have seen little of it over the past few years, time we stood up to those faceless people in Bexhill,and support our town,and not those who we have seen,care about their party once elected,and not our town.

  2. The thing about opinions is that we all have one and no two are going to be the same, the danger with “Letters to the editor” is that it then becomes the editors opinion.
    In the past I’ve like many others I imagine have had their opinions halted at the editors desk.
    Hopefully we’re not heading towards a one sided site.
    Of course this sort of opinion is exactly what you’re trying to avoid isn’t it?
    Happy new year to you all.


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