RNLI Rye Harbour was delighted to welcome back RNLI’s chief executive, Mark Dowie, to their lifeboat station.

He visited with head of lifeboats, Simon Ling, and Ryan Hall, head of region. The visit was an informal one and after a tour of the newly-furbished lifeboat station they were able to visit the crew room and chat to the volunteers who were assembled there. Mark thanked them for their hard work and dedication to training and offered them his support. Simon and Ryan also chatted to crew who were able to find out the latest news from the support centre in Poole.
Mark Dowie was appointed chief executive in May 2019 and is a former naval officer and company director. A keen sailor, he was also for two years lifeboat operations manager at Salcombe Lifeboat Station which gave him a good understanding of how the 238 lifeboat stations around the coast operate. He said that the best part of his job is visiting the crews at the stations and hearing their stories and thanking the volunteers for their commitment, 24/7.
Ryan Hall commented, “I have previously visited the area in my previous role as harbourmaster on the Thames and was delighted to be back at the station to meet the crew, fundraisers and station management. The newly refreshed building will now last long into the future and provide protection from the weather and elements. It was a great visit and I am proud to be the head of such an amazing region, delivering all the year and ensuring we save lives at sea.”
Image Credits: Kt bruce .