Girls team integral to cricket club


In 2023, Rye Cricket Club is seeking to establish a girls-only section.

The aim is to establish a girls team or teams to play fixtures against other girls teams, a move that is a key part of the club’s 270th season.

The team have received shirt sponsorship from the Mermaid Inn and has received funds from the Police Property Fund.

The project starts on Tuesday, March 7, at Rye Sports Centre. There will be an introductory softball session from 6pm – 7pm and another session 7pm – 8pm for those girls who have played previously.

These training sessions will be led by coaches from the Sussex County Ladies Coaching team. The age range is 7 – 14, but we are flexible as we are keen to encourage participation from all ages.

There will be eight weeks of sessions. The cost is £40, but the cost for new participants is £30, the first two weeks will be free.

The sessions will move outside on Wednesday nights starting on April 26, at the Rye cricket Salts.

To find out more and to register please contact Martin Blincow on 07535 482006 or at

Image Credits: England & Wales Cricket Board .

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