Bog standard


To say that the toilets near Rye market are disgusting is, quite frankly, an understatement. From the outside the building looks okay but step inside, preferably with a face mask, no, not for Covid protection, but the vile smell inside and if you can find a toilet actually clean and working properly then you are having better luck than I did. Having said that the majority of toilets between Rye and Hastings are a disgrace, that’s of course if you can actually find one especially in Hastings town centre.

Both Rother and Hastings councils should hang their heads in shame. We have been asked to use the facilities in pubs and cafe’s but this is generally not welcomed by them if not staying. Of course this doesn’t only apply to this area but is becoming a problem around the country. God only knows what visitors from other countries must think. Again, shame on the councils for never wanting to address this issue.

Image Credits: Nick Forman .

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  1. You are correct. The public facilities in your area are some of the worst I have ever come across. For a heritage destination such as Rye this is extremely disappointing. As a regular visitor I would happily pay to use the facilities if they were maintained to a standard. Should you want to see how this works well look at Frinton in Essex where the facilities are excellent.
    This is a country wide problem, however to encourage tourism especially in the time of increased so called staycation , it needs to be taken seriously. Let alone local visitors who deserve better.

  2. The summer tourist season is fast approaching, even now at school half term many people who appear to be visitors are to be seen strolling around Rye, so it is imperative that the public loos in the town are at the very least in a usable condition.

    Perhaps instead of waiting for RDC to consider that they might at some time in the future deign spread a lick of paint on Rye’s toilets the local residents could deluge RDC with an avalanche of complaints.

    Alternatively put notices on the doors directing visitors to the de la Warr Pavilion where I am sure the toilets are in a tip top condition.

  3. Rob, I don’t know when last you visited the station WC, but motivated by this thread, I visited yesterday at c 11.00 AM. They were clean. There was grafitti on the wall which needs to be removed, and I have inhaled more fragrant air, but otherwise they were ok. I checked a few days earlier, and they were clean at that time too. I cannot vouch for the Ladies’ loo. One thing to bear in mind is that any public loo is only as clean as the last person who used it…
    Anyway, here’s a challenge to you, Rob: If you think the condition of the station toilets is that bad, tell me if you will join me next week to clean them. I will get my bucket and cleaning products and help you clean them if you’re up for it?

    • Guy, what a strange suggestion ! Would you expect to change your own oil if you’d paid for your car to be serviced ? If you succeed in being elected to RDC I hope you will do your bit to monitor service delivery by Rother’s contractors rather than rolling your sleeves up to cover shortfalls?

      • Hello, Simon
        Not strange at all, but perhaps it marks a difference in our outlook and attitudes? I pay my Council Tax too, and like you and Rob have an expectation of delivery.
        However, if I see a way to help, I will try to help. If I see something that needs to be fixed, I will try to fix it. I will try not to simply broadcast negativity and despondency and stoke antagonism. So I’ve already reported the grafitti to the relevant people, and if there is an ongoing problem with those toilets, yes, it’s certainly not beneath my dignity to roll up my sleeves and clean them. If it’s not abundantly clear by now, it’s not possible to moan or Tweet or Facebook your way to a better place. You actually have to do something. Luckily in this community, we have a multiplicity of people – much less vocal than me – who do just that. Cheers, Guy

        • Really? A one off visit bucket and mop to solve the never ending appalling state of our public toilets. I think if you really wanted to have an impact, you should set up a rota of volunteers to maintain each facility or perhaps lobby RDC to meet their commitments instead?

          • The rota is a great suggestion, Steve. You’re a man after my own heart! I’m in – how about you and Rob? Want to do something or just moan?
            In the meantime, I’m already talking to RDC about the issue.
            However, just to clarify, my basic point is not that we shouldn’t expect the Council to fulfil its obligations, but that endless belly-aching achieves absolutely nothing. In the time it takes to type demoralising grumbles on Rye News, we might have penned a note to one of the contact addresses Cllr. Mier has provided twice now. That will solve the problem quicker than endless sniping and griping. Despite any slight differences of perspective, Steve, I’m sure we’re all agreed we want Rye to be a fantastic place to live, to visit and to work in. Enjoy the weekend.

        • Thanks for your judgement Guy. As you rightly point out social media and RyeNews are not outlets which can give the full picture of someone’s views accurately. I hope those who know me well will know that I am as much a man of action and a supporter of the town as I am a winger . As for your suggestion that time would be better spent contacting our representatives and the appropriate council departments, why do you think so many of us have become disillusioned?! I find your suggestions of setting up a rota to volunteer to clean up someone else’s mess when we’re already paying for that to happen is an open invitation to Rother to continue to fail. I’m sorry, I’m sure you are a well meaning and community minded person as much as me but I doubt you’ll get my vote

  4. Perhaps we could have a snippet of £19 million allocated to the De La Warr pavilion for levelling up to improve the structure of our public toilets?

    • Rother would like to devolve lavatories to Town and Parish Councils. There is a consultation and suitable financial arrangements would be agreed. Meanwhile I have reported the state of the lavatories near the station.
      More generally funds are available through the Community Infrastructure Levy charged on new building. Some of that goes direct to the Town Council, and some to Rother to be allocated to suitable schemes.
      Local organisations can apply to Rother for a Community Grant – details on the website. Rother Voluntary Action can advise on other grants.

  5. I emigrated some 10 years ago to the Azores of Portugal where the rates are about 1/10th of those in Rother, yet public services with a bigger workload than those in Rye work like clockwork. People here do not have to “try to get things done” because it is part of the councils job to actually see what needs doing, and do it.
    Yet I see rates have risen by the maximum, again, over there. WHAT ON EARTH FOR?

  6. Unfortunately my post previous to this one was not allowed though I have no idea why.

    Please spell my first name correctly ie. ROD

    In case you think that I am solely an armchair keyboard warrior I have to tell you that I fit in chairing the local village hall Management Committe between work (because I want to) and a garden that requires a lot of attention at this time of year.

    I am averse to taking away from somebody a job for which they would be paid, to perhaps support their family.

    Sadly it is true that many other countries are able to provide facilities and services which put ours to shame. Every time I go to Hastings town centre, the town of my birth and upbringing, I cringe at the state of the place. Heaven only knows what visitors think when they see the state of it. I do not want Rye to degenerate to that level.

  7. Guy please do, I’ll look forward to your request for volunteers. Remind me, are you standing as councillor for RDC? Asking for a friend.

    • Steve, to be perfectly honest, I understand your cynicism entirely… I’m not immune to it myself! But my approach is to try to solve the little things I may have the power to influence, which is why I am indeed standing for the District Council – a role which appears to be a pretty thankless task!
      On a different note, it would be lovely to have a more agreeable chat at some point. This Thursday evening (23rd), the Lib Dems are having one of our regular ‘Politics and a Pint’ social evenings at The Queen’s Head. Pop by, if you fancy. It’d be great to put a face to a name. All welcome.
      Cheers, Guy

  8. Unusually, last Friday lunchtime, around half of the ladies toilets at Station Approach were out of order and although reasonably clean, (hats off to the cleaner) the graffiti really is bad. I have reported it as per Cllr Andrew Meir’s link above. This is often the first port of call that visitors to our our lovely town see and it doesn’t give a good impression – very shabby!

    • I don’t understand why such things need to be “reported”?
      Surely the people in charge of looking after the place get paid to … look after it?

  9. Rye Town Council have been requested by RDC to take over the Rye Public Toilets. You would think they would welcome the opportunity to improve this dated structure and provide the kind of modern facility that a town like Rye deserves. It is a very poor first impression to tourists arriving by coach and train.

    • Really? Why do you think RDC want to offload them? Unless I’m mistaken but Rye Town Council doesn’t have the funds or staff to maintain the toilets, it’s not just a mop and bucket job once a week as Guy Harris suggests.

  10. Just a reminder, the local Lib Dems are having a little social at The Queens in Rye tomorrow night (Thurs 23rd). If anyone wants to come and talk loos, leisure facilities or Landgate, you’re more than welcome! (Other subjects are available too!)

  11. May I ask a question if its not too impertinent to our moderator, is there only one party standing for election to represent our town. As its becoming the Lib Dem roadshow at the moment, as the silence is deafening from others.


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