Ukraine – one year on


Coincidental with the anniversary of the first year of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Rye hub of the Homes for Ukraine had another valuable meeting at the Baptist Church last weekend.

For some of the 15 families in the Rye area, hosts and guests were able to network with local supporters and agencies.

Those present reflected on the movement of refugees last year, the reasons why they came to East Sussex, and one or two very sad backstories.

It is pleasing that there has been much progress in finding employment, arranging English language training and schooling.

Multiple local agencies, many based in Hastings, have helped smooth the integration of the Ukrainians. The Rye hub provides the focus for all the contacts and exchanges.

In his welcoming words, leader Rye Hub H4U referenced some of the “one year on” material circulating globally, as well as hopes for 2023. He thanked the Rev Fiona Gill and  her team for Baptist hospitality and the hosts for generously providing rooms in their homes.

He also remarked that if any local reminder of the war was necessary, from the top of Rye this week, one could hear the firing on Lydd ranges. This was the Ukrainian military being trained by the British Army.

More events will be planned in March.

Image Credits: Anthony Kimber .

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  1. It’s wonderful to meet our Ukrainian residents. I had the pleasure of meeting Natalia at the community garden last weekend and hope to meet her friend Tatiana soon. Both are warm friendly and outgoing. Rye has done really well putting in place support for them including jobs and accommodation. Thanks to everyone involved in this achievement.


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