Meet your councillors


The annual Rye Town Meeting takes place next Tuesday evening, March 7, at the Tilling Green Community Centre, at 7pm.

This is your annual opportunity to meet with our town, district and county councillors and join discussions with them and other parishioners on issues affecting Rye.

Registration is open from 6.30pm and the programme commences with the Mayor’s overview of the year, including an update on Rye swimming pool. Other items on the agenda include an update on the Heritage Centre from Simon Parsons, Rye Neighbourhood Plan, emergency planning and flood risk, Homes for Ukraine, and a Covid and vaccination centre update from Col Anthony Kimber.

There will be an open session for attendees to voice questions, concerns and other issues they wish to raise.

Image Credits: Chris Lawson .

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  1. A well attended meeting last night with plenty of interesting questions. one reflected concern at the aggressive approach taken by the new litter wardens who appear to have powers to demand on the spot fines. Although agreeing that their approach seems over zealous I feel that some action was needed to try and reduce the amount of litter (and dog mess) around town. The area around the station and opposite the station is regularly full of sweet wrappers, cans and other rubbish which does nothing to promote appreciation of the town. So keep the wardens but maybe do some work on customer relations and offer warnings before instant fines.


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