Digging up newly resurfaced roads


After years of putting up with the A259 trunk road running through Rye being in an appalling condition, it was resurfaced late last year. Now that nice new surface is slowly being returned to its old condition by contractors digging it up and then being unable to repair it properly. The contractors should be made to come back and return it to the condition it was before they dug it up.

The photo shows an awful repair near the River Haven Hotel. There are others.

Image Credits: Tony Roi .

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  1. I’m surprised this article hasn’t provoked some level of outrage. There must be a record somewhere of who did the job, don’t the utilities, etc. have to account for what they do? I suppose not many care anymore.

  2. I would have thought that any work carried out by utility companies must be aware of the contractor appointed, also County should be aware of works carried out on roads they are responsible for, when the work is completed I feel a photo could be taken and supplied to County. It would be dated.
    I suspect that County needs to increase the numbers of staff to verify potholes and quality of contractors work?
    The general public are asked to report potholes to County Council, but is the elected County Councillor made aware?, I suggest not, if they were aware they could report them to the Town Council or parish meeting so the public are aware work is in hand, we would then know how long the gestation period for the completed works takes.

  3. Unfortunately it looks as though the person tasked with plugging the hole left by a utility company or whoever, probably achieved the quality commissioned. The adage “You get what you pay for” springs to mind, rather than “Don’t spoil the boat for a ha’pth of tar”. What should happen next is whoever contracted the work should be made responsible to correct it, but I suspect they won’t because the days of pride in one’s work are gone. Shame.

    • With the greatest of respect I feel that your comments, which appear to be based on an opinion unsupported by actual facts, are just an excuse for shoddy workmanship. In no business environment would the specification for the reinstatement of the road surface be as per the photograph. I don’t see why we should be shutting down debate over such incompetence, it makes no sense.


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