Ukraine receives more aid and caring


Malcolm Maynard and Barry Mills will be leaving New Romney with a van packed to the gunnels with supplies and many, many boxes of toys for the orphanages on May 14. This trip has been made possible because of so many kind and generous people who are moved to help the Ukrainians in their darkest hours. Malcolm has such a big part to play in this journey and although he has not long undergone major surgery his enthusiasm for this venture is infectious.

Malcolm Maynard getting ready to head off to the Ukraine

His lovely wife, quietly in the background, is a total support and aids him in so many ways. Martin Bruce’s group, Tongswood Chamber Choir, of which he is musical director, gave a concert to raise funds for Malcolm and Barry’s travel. On May 4 Martin went to New Romney and handed over a cheque for £500 which will help with petrol and other costs. RHYS Construction company are paying for the ferry travel of this trip and also the next one which will help a great deal.

Malcolm wanted to take a New Romney flag to the Ukraine to leave with the people as
a sign of friendship from the people of New Romney which Jenny Herbert donated.

Malcolm and his wife know that this is a team effort and want to thank everyone for their continuing support. But the biggest thanks goes to Malcolm who, despite major hurdles, just keeps on giving, and we wish him a safe journey.

If you feel you can help in any way please contact Malcom, and help with his future trips.

Image Credits: Kt bruce .

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