On Friday evening at 7:24pm, when most people were relaxing after a hard week at work, HM Coastguard requested that the lifeboat at RNLI Rye Harbour should be launched to assist two people on a 24ft yacht on the river Rother. They were said to be a precarious position as their boat was almost overturned. The tide was strong and timing was critical. Within ten minutes the boat was launched with a full complement of crew. Rob Jennings was helm and there were three female crew members.
When the boat arrived near to the casualty vessel, Rob stood the lifeboat off to assess the situation. As the tide was so strong it was decided to take the casualties off their boat as soon as possible. If the boat had broken free it would have been swept down the river. The lifeboat went bow to bow and got the two casualties off and returned them safely to the lifeboat station. This was a successful ending to what could have been a tragedy, with two lives saved. Ben Leroy-Lewis, who joined as shore crew only a few days ago, experienced his second shout.

HM Coastguards from Rye Bay and Hastings then took over and secured the boat. It was a very professional operation and they worked easily as a team to make the boat as safe as possible and not to become a hazard to other boats on the river.
Sophie Bateman observed the boat looking very forlorn at low tide on July 15.
Image Credits: RNLI Rye Harbour , Kt bruce , Sophie Bateman , Ben Leroy-Lewis , Andrew Tollett .
Congratulations to all involved in the rescue. I noticed yesterday that the crumpled remains of the vessel remain in the water. Is it usual that it will be allowed just to collapse and pollute the sea when it finally breaks up?
You’ll need to ask the Harbour Master that one, like most problems someone has to pay.