Rehearsing again with thrills


Rehearsals are well underway for Acting Up In Rye’s next production “Wanted One Body”, a comedy thriller by Charles Dyer. In the best Hammer horror films tradition of the 60s, the action takes place in a classic old dark house set amidst rising flood waters and swirling mists on the edge of the lonely marshes. This is Greenacres, the home of the Barraclough family, to which come a pair of solicitors to read the will of the late, but not greatly lamented, Mr Barraclough – only to learn that his body has mysteriously vanished along with the will!

“Wanted: One Body” is a classic murder mystery of disappearing bodies, sliding panels and howls in the night. A whodunnit and a thriller, but with the accent on laughter, its evergreen popularity testifies to its warmth, wit and thrills and hilarious fun for audience and actors alike.

The cast of eight, who meet three times a week at the Old Scout Hut to rehearse, are being very ably directed by Janet Stott and, as with all productions, there are many more people working “behind the scenes” sourcing the costumes and props, building the set, arranging lighting and providing sound effects. The play will be staged at Rye Community Centre, July 10 and 11 at 7:30 pm and tickets are available from A Pocket Full of Rye or Grammar School Records on the High Street.

Photo: Judy Wall

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