Discover “The Story of Plastic”


Strandliners invites you to a free online film screening, The Story of Plastic. This award-winning documentary investigates global plastic pollution and recycling.

Different from any other documentary you’ve seen, The Story of Plastic presents a cohesive timeline of how we got to our current global plastic pollution crisis and how the oil and gas industry has successfully manipulated the narrative around it. From the extraction of fossil fuels and plastic disposal to the global resistance fighting back, The Story of Plastic is a life-changing film, depicting one of the world’s most pressing environmental issues.

Sorting and identifying

You are then invited to join Strandliners for a Zoom discussion at 7pm on Monday, July 31. We will be looking at issues raised in the film and discussing what we can do at a local level. Is beach cleaning and litter picking enough? Is recycling enough?

The screening is timed to coincide with Plastic Free July and highlights the importance of these campaigns.


Register through Eventbrite

Look out for Strandliners events in August and September. More information at Strandliners and Break Free From Plastic

Image Credits: Strandliners .

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