Small hospital, big ambitions


I’ve driven past Rye Hospital so many times, but possibly like many I haven’t really much of an idea what goes on there. For this week’s Ryecast, I’ve had the chance to find out more about its work – and to hear about an innovative team thinking big. There’s some impressive ambition at the top of Rye Hill which our town should be really proud of, as you’ll hear on the podcast.

In the staff rest area, I’ve been talking to Fran Clent who’s the company secretary of the charity that runs the hospital with the NHS, and Jacky Dudfield the vice chair of the hospital’s trustees and chair of the Friends & Fundraising Committee.

Francesca Clent and Jacky Dudfield outside Rye Hospital

As well as hearing about the centuries old tradition of healthcare on the site, we look ahead to the future. The new Hub is now up and running, work on a new care home starts next year, and there’s an ambition to bring a minor injuries unit to the hospital, as well as taking the charity to the next level with the appointment of a CEO.

Feeling inspired to help?  I hope you will be too after listening to the podcast. Our hospital needs more volunteers to work in reception, fundraise, organise events, sort out the gardens and especially spend time talking to patients, some of whom don’t get many visitors. If you’d like to find out more email There’s more about the hospital history at You can hear Ryecast wherever you get your podcasts – just search for Ryecast – or visit

Ryecast is presented & produced in Rye by James Stewart

Image Credits: Nick Forman , James Stewart RN .

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