Is Lydd Airport about to take off?


Back in December 2006 two planning applications from LAA (London Ashford Airport) were lodged with Shepway District Council (as they were know then) ref YO6/1647/SH and YO6/1648/SH. They were for an extension to the existing runway and to construct a new terminal building. During the planning process Shepway District Council was renamed Folkestone and Hythe District Council and in March 2009, LAA’s planning consultants, Indigo Planning compiled an 85 page document with supplementary information and supplementary environmental information as requested. Due to the complicated nature of the applications they were both referred to the Secretary of State in June 2010.

In April 2013 the Department for Transport recommended permission should be granted for both applications, subject to various conditions.

Mural in the departure lounge

There has been a lot of controversy and opposition to the applications, mainly as the airport is very close to a national nature reserve at Dungeness, a special area of conservation which has held back expansion of the well-placed facility.

When it originally opened in 1954, it offered daily flights to Le Touquet, Cherbourg and Calais in France and Ostend in Belgium and may soon be offering trips to the continent.

At its height, 223,000 passengers flew from the airport but competition from the ferry companies with easier travel from Dover and Folkestone affected passenger numbers and interest in flying from Lydd dwindled as a result. However with planning now granted the expansion can now start and when completed will allow it to accommodate bigger aircraft like the Boeing 737 and Airbus 319, although capacity is restricted to short flights. Since 2018, Lydd has only been used for private charter flights and pilot training.

A mural of the golf course in the departure lounge

The billionaire owner of London Ashford Airport (and Lydd Golf Club next door), Saudi businessman Sheikh Fahad Al-Athel needed to invest £17million in 2013 for the expansion which included a 150m runway however, the actual expansion has yet to materialise but when I visited the airport last week it is not as I remembered a few years ago. New buildings have been erected, the ‘Biggles Bar’ has gone, replaced with a café and lounge area but very much smarter than before and the reception area looks very much like many much larger airports. Things are definitely happening.

The airport said: “We want to offer local people the chance to go on holiday or business from their local airport without the hassle and expense of flying from the London airports which are becoming increasingly congested along with the roads that serve them.” This could well attract low cost airlines wanting a base closer to Europe

Image Credits: LAA , Nick Forman .

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  1. I live on Romney Marsh and the last thing on earth I want is more air traffic, its one of the reasons I moved here from Orpington. The ammount of air traffic from Gatwick was annoying to say the least as well as air noise polution there are other factors to consider as well. The environment here so far untouched by ‘modern life’ for one thing would suffer with larger aircraft.

    I dare say a rich Saudi businessmsn cares little for local peope.

    If I am asked my answer would be no.

  2. This is good news for the area. Employment opportunities & far easier than traveling to Gatwick or Stansted. Will have no impact on the wildlife at local reserve. In fact, as I wildlife photographer, its a safe haven for some species.

  3. So the airport says it wants to give the people a chance to fly out the airport without the hassle of the congested roads around our main airports, forgetting the roads around the marsh,especially the A259, are not fit for purpose, for thousands of extra traffic.The sheikh should be made to contribute to upgrading all these country lanes, just like other major developers have to when developing other sites,around the counties.

  4. The pros out way the cons. Convenience. We live on an island. The roads are congested but that’s life.
    Short flights to Europe especially Le Touquet are a great idea. Life is changing – let’s embrace it.

  5. Fantastic news if you don’t want to hear planes don’t move near an airport they used to take cars on the plane would be great to see the airport fully working again.

  6. Imagine if there was an international train station nearby that was linked with the continent. There would be no need for so much air traffic.

    • There is of course and, like Ebbsfleet, all the checkin desks and lounges are ready for the happy day they reopen. Can’t wait to see the French police in Ashford international station ‘Bonjour!’
      Just a matter of political will.

  7. It probably won’t happen, local jobs are of no consequence and there’s far too much money being invested in property by people moving here from London.
    If you want noisy planes and jobs then you’re going to have to move to Orpington.
    As for the roads, didn’t the original plan include road improvements from Lydd to the M20?
    The power stations are being decommissioned so that won’t be a problem.

  8. My view is that Gatwick should be expanded – it has all the existing transport infrastructures . Lydd currently has none and is a quaint and unspoilt area and should remain so .
    Fact that it was an international airport in 50s and 60s is irrelevant .

  9. Why not run international trains from Ashford international to Calais, Le Touquet, Cherbourg and Calais in France and Ostend in Belgium etc , an existing infrastructure, existing train links either side, more capacity, more environmental friendly, centre to town centre, or is that too much like common sense

  10. Can one imagine trying to get to the airport on a hot sunny day, from East Sussex, the a259 snail trail from East Guldeford is closed ,as usual, they are working on the road,or the barriers have failed once again, and Camber is gridlocked, what a start to the holiday, I think not.

  11. Yes,the idea that Lydd Airport might take off is a nice idea,but it’s just a dream.
    Look at the airport on Google Maps,and you will see the approach roads are winding and narrow(many single lane).The roads around it cannot take the road traffic as it is now,let alone the large increase in cars IF the airport could be put to full use.
    It would be quicker and easier,in effect to drive to Gatwick from the surrounding area!


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