Rye News is having a holiday


It’s been a full on year for Rye News and our team of volunteers have worked their socks off to bring you news, views and reviews every single week of the year come rain or shine.

Traditionally we take a one week break over the Christmas period but this year we are breaking with tradition and taking two as we think we deserve it!

Our last published edition for 2023 will be on Friday, December 22 and we won’t be publishing again until Friday January 12, 2024 so please submit any articles, letters or messages to us via the website, www.ryenews.org.uk or by email to info@ryenews.org.uk.

The deadline as always is noon on the Wednesday for publication on Friday and now that we have additional sub-editors on board we are able to increase the number of articles published each week to a maximum of 25.

The photo was taken on Monday evening at one of our regular editorial meetings, the team are in our fabulous new offices in the town which we acquired in October.

Unfortunately not all of the team are featured due to other commitments but every team member is important to the success of Rye News and I am indebted to them all for their continued hard work, dedication and support.

I will be covering many of our achievements in my year-end editor’s update including what’s been going on behind the scenes and what plans we have for the future. Thank you for supporting Rye News, watch this space…

Image Credits: Kt Bruce .

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  1. Amazing that all this work is carried out by volunteers – congratulations and long may you continue! Also, enjoy your holiday 🙂

  2. Well done to Nick and the team for all your sterling work this year and for curating an entertaining and hugely informative local conversation. Rye would certainly be poorer without all the time and effort expended. Thank you.
    Enjoy your break!

  3. I am always impressed by the breadth of topics and commitment to the tricky balance of debate featured in Rye News. So although sure I couldn’t do it, let’s appreciate those who demonstrate they can!
    Enjoy the break, and thank you.


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