First fete for five years


The Hospital at Rye at the top of Rye Hill is holding its first summer fete for five years this Saturday June 1 from 11am to 4pm. A roaring success in past years, the fete, which raises funds for the hospital, now includes the Hub on the Hill, up and running and a part of the event. St Bartholomew’s Court has also kindly offered an area for children’s activities including a dance display performed by local group Splitz.

Come and listen to live music, have a donkey ride and enjoy the stalls, including plants and bric-a-brac, to name but a few. Refreshments will be available, too, after you’ve climbed the hill!  There is car parking, in case the hill poses too steep a climb, or why not catch the shuttle bus kindly organised by Rye and District Community Transport?

Image Credits: The Hospital at Rye .

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