Education is our top priority

On July 4 the general election will take place across the UK. This is an opportunity for the country to change for better or worse. We wanted you to hear students’ voices on the key issues that matter to them.

Two weeks ago, Rye Press Club released a survey to the students at Rye College to find out their views on what needs to change in the country. The majority of the students put education as either their top or second priority. None of the participants in this survey have the right to vote yet but are already embracing the importance of democracy and having their views heard. This is a strong message to all of those who can vote.

When interviewed, one student told us. “It is important there is a good education and school system so that everyone can learn effectively making sure everyone has access to some form of learning as everyone has a right to.”

Another told us. “I think it is a top priority for children around the world because the skills they learn now can help them make an impact on global issues.”

The two other priorities, public restrooms and transport, came close second. Further questioning revealed that the reasons for this were lack of hygiene in public restrooms locally and the inconsistency of the bus and train services.

This is what two people told us. “The restrooms are appalling. I feel these problems are overlooked by politicians way too much.”

“The quality of the restrooms is disgusting right now.”

On the transport issue, one student said: “We should be able to travel safely and feel comfortable getting to school. The train strikes and other issues revolving around buses and trains escalate the situation and make it harder for people to get to school as not everyone’s parents can take them because of work and other issues.”

One of the most common complaints all over East Sussex are potholes, something that was also marked as important in our survey.

One student had this to say on the matter: “They are everywhere and could be dangerous.”

Finally, the students were asked if they think politicians can change the world and more than twice as many said yes as no, and over half said maybe. It seems there are young people who believe that politicians can make a difference and change the world. However, a greater number were unsure.

The Rye Press Club is a joint project with Rye College and Rye News which sees students exploring stories that matter to them, along with discussion and debate. Thanks to Ethan and Rin and the rest of the Rye Press Club team for putting this report together.

Image Credits: Chelgate CC .

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