My customers are my family


A village store plays a very important role in the local community, offering a range of services and benefits that go way beyond mere commerce. Rye Harbour Stores re-opened in late autumn 2023 much to the relief of local residents.

Subash Padmanban became the new manager and within days he was greeting people by first name. I asked him how he remembered so many. “My family are in India and I think of my lovely customers as my new family and I want to make coming into my shop a happy experience.”

The village shop is also a social gathering place where residents can meet and interact with Subash, his staff and other locals. Many of the villagers are elderly and it is this vital communication that brightens their day.

Wonderfully stocked shelves at Rye Harbour Stores

Subash came to the UK two years ago and worked for a time in Kent before moving over to Rye Harbour to manage the store. He has stocked the store with everything that residents should need. One customer jokingly asked Subash where was the kitchen sink as the place has everything. The shelves are stocked from floor to ceiling as the pictures show. Subash listens to his customers and if he does not have something, he tries to source it for them. The phrase “Going the extra mile” was coined for people like Subash. He is kind and generous and is a good listener, making everyone feel special.

These local stores are vital to the community but equally important is that customers support the shop. Running costs are sky high today, especially running expensive electrical equipment like big fridges and freezers. Recently Subash has started to stock BBQ meats from Jamie’s Butchers in Winchelsea and there is a whole array of dinners and side-dishes, too. These stores can only stay open if there is sufficient footfall and Rye Harbour and the industrial estate need to support the shop regularly, otherwise it will not be cost-effective: what a tragedy it would be if it were to close again. The hours are amazing – from 7am to 7pm. The late opening is great for those who have forgotten to get supper or a vital ingredient.

Wonderfully stocked shelves at Rye Harbour Stores

The shop prides itself in having interesting and nutritious foods, especially for lunchtime, and Subash wants to encourage workers on the industrial estate to pop in and discover what is on offer for themselves. There are sandwiches, sausage rolls, Indian dishes and so on which just need heating, and a great variety of drinks.

Every Monday Subash takes a day off and likes to explore the local culture and environment. Recently he did a bird walk on the reserve and enjoyed it. He likes driving and discovering new things.

Local residents and those who work nearby: please try to support the shop each week and help keep it open. We would sorely miss it if it wasn’t there.

Image Credits: Kt bruce .

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  1. It is a pleasure popping in this store, such a welcome and always extremely helpful. A great asset to the area, I hope everyone supports it.


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